Home » How to Declutter Toys in 8 Simple Steps

How to Declutter Toys in 8 Simple Steps

When it comes to toy clutter, there are two types of people in the world: those who have a lot of toys and don’t know where to start when it comes time to declutter, and those who have few or no toys and don’t understand how other children can possibly have so many.

If you’re in the first group, don’t worry – we’re here to help! In this blog post, we will discuss 8 simple steps that will help you declutter your child’s toys in no time. Follow these tips and you’ll be able to create more space for play – and less clutter.

1. Sort toys into piles based on how often they are played with

The first step is to sort your child’s toys into three piles: those that are played with often, those that are played with occasionally, and those that are hardly ever played with. This will give you a good starting point for decluttering.

If you’re not sure how to do this, a good rule of thumb is to think about how often each toy is used.

Toys that are played with daily or weekly can go in the “often” pile, while those that are only used once in awhile can go in the “occasionally” pile.

As for the toys that are hardly ever played with, those can go straight into the “declutter” pile.

2. Put away toys that are rarely used and donate them to a charity or shelter

If you have a lot of toys, it’s important to be selective about which ones you keep and which ones you get rid of.

Toys that are hardly ever played with can be donated to a local charity or shelter – this is a great way to declutter your child’s room without getting rid of everything.

3. Create storage solutions for the most-played-with toys

Once you’ve sorted and decluttered your child’s toys, it’s time to create some storage solutions. This will help keep the remaining toys organized and easy to find.

One option is to use baskets or bins – these can be labeled with each toy type so that your child knows where everything goes. Another option is to use shelves or toy boxes – this is a great way to make use of vertical space and keep everything off the floor.

4. Assign specific toy storage areas for each room in the house

If your child has toys in different rooms of the house, it’s important to assign specific storage areas for each room.

This will help keep the toy clutter to a minimum and make it easy for your child to find and put away their toys.

For example, you can designate a corner of the living room as the “toy area” and put a basket there for your child’s toys. In the bedroom, you can use a toy box or shelf to store toys.

And in the kitchen, you can create a “toy drawer” where your child’s dishes and play food can be stored.

5. Rotate toys every few months to keep kids interested

One way to keep your child from getting bored with their toys is to rotate them every few months. This will help keep things fresh and give your child something new to play with.

To do this, you can simply put away some of the less-played-with toys and replace them with new ones.

Or, you can create a toy “swap” with friends or family, this is a great way to declutter your own home and get new toys for your child at the same time.

6. Teach your children how to put away their own toys when they’re done playing

One of the best ways to prevent toy clutter is to teach your children how to put away their own toys when they’re done playing. This will help them learn to be more organized and tidy, and it will save you time in the long run.

Here are a few tips for teaching your children how to put away their toys:

– start by showing them how to put away one toy at a time

– make it into a game or a fun activity

– praise them when they do it correctly

– be patient and keep trying until they get it

With a little bit of practice, your children will be able to put away their toys like pros in no time!

7. Have regular clean-up sessions

Another way to prevent toy clutter is to have regular clean-up sessions. This will help your children learn to tidy up on a regular basis and keep their toys organized.

Here are a few tips for having a successful clean-up session:

– start by setting a timer for 15 minutes

– have everyone pitch in and help

– focus on one area at a time

– put away all the toys before moving on to the next task

– praise your children for their efforts

8. Set a toy limit

One of the best ways to declutter your child’s room is to set a toy limit. This will help you be more selective about which toys your child keeps and which ones they get rid of.

Here are a few tips for setting a toy limit:

– start by getting rid of any broken or unused toys

– choose a toy limit that works for your family

– be realistic about what your child will actually play with

– donate or sell any toys that exceed the limit


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Final Note

By following these simple tips, you can declutter your child’s room and keep their toys organized. With a little bit of effort, you can create a space that is tidy and stylish – and your children will love it!

Do you have any other tips for decluttering your child’s room? Share them in the comments below.


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