Home » Teenage Closet Organization Ideas: 10 Ways to Organize Your Teen’s Closet

Teenage Closet Organization Ideas: 10 Ways to Organize Your Teen’s Closet

Are you struggling to find ways to organize your teenager’s closet? It can be tough trying to keep their clothes and accessories organized, especially when they’re constantly growing and changing.

In this blog post, we will discuss 10 different ways to organize your teen’s closet! We’ll provide tips on how to declutter their space, store seasonal items, and more. Let’s get started.

1. Assess your teen’s needs and wants

The first step to organizing your teen’s closet is to figure out what they need and want.

Do they have a lot of clothes?

Do they need more storage space for shoes or accessories?

Are there any items that they never wear?

Knowing the answers to these questions will help you determine the best way to organize their closet.

2. Purge clothes they no longer wear or want

Once you know what your teen needs and wants, it’s time to purge their closet of clothes they no longer wear or want. This can be a difficult task for some teens, but it’s important to get rid of clothes that are too small, out of style, or simply not worn anymore.

If your teen is struggling to let go of clothes, try having them donate items to a local charity or consignment store. This way, they can feel good about giving back while also decluttering their space.

3. Create zones for different types of clothing

One way to keep your teen’s closet organized is to create zones for different types of clothing. For example, you can have a zone for dresses, another for tops, and another for bottoms. This will help your teen know exactly where to find what they’re looking for.

You can also create zones for seasonal items or clothes that are only worn on special occasions. This will help free up space in their closet and make it easier to find what they need.

4. Invest in organizers and storage solutions.

If your teen’s closet is cluttered and cramped, it might be time to invest in some organizers and storage solutions. There are a variety of options available, from shelves and hangers to bins and baskets.

Take some time to browse through different options and find what will work best for your teen’s space. Then, start decluttering and organizing their closet.

5. Hang clothes that can be hung up

One way to save space in your teen’s closet is to hang up clothes that can be hung up. This includes dresses, blouses, slacks, and skirts. By hanging these items, you can free up space for other things, like shoes or storage bins.

Plus, hanging clothes makes it easier to see what you have and makes it less likely that clothes will get wrinkled or damaged.

6. Use baskets, bins, and boxes to store folded clothes

If you have a lot of folded clothes, consider using baskets, bins, and boxes to store them. This will help keep your teen’s closet organized and free from clutter.

They also make it easy to grab clothes when you’re in a hurry. Just be sure to label each container so your teen knows what’s inside and where it goes.

7. Keep shoes off the floor

One way to keep your teen’s closet organized is to keep their shoes off the floor. This can be done by using a shoe rack, storing them in bins, or simply keeping them in their original boxes.

This will help free up space and make it easier to find what you’re looking for. Plus, it will keep your teen’s shoes from getting scuffed or damaged.

8. Store heavier items at the bottom of the closet

If your teen’s closet is small or has limited space, store heavier items at the bottom. This includes things like winter coats, boots, and heavy sweaters.

By keeping these items at the bottom, you can make better use of the space in your teen’s closet. This will also help prevent items from falling and getting damaged.

9. Label each shelf with a category (shoes, pants, skirts, etc.) for easy access

If your teen has a lot of clothes, consider labeling each shelf with a category. This will make it easier for them to find what they’re looking for and keep their closet organized.

You can also use labels to indicate which items are seasonal or only worn on special occasions. This will help your teen know where to find things and keep their closet from getting cluttered.

10. Encourage your teen to keep their closet organized

The best way to keep your teen’s closet organized is to encourage them to do it themselves. Show them how to use the different storage solutions and help them label each shelf.

Then, make sure they know where everything goes and help them put things away when they’re done using them. By teaching your teen how to keep their closet organized, you can help them develop good habits that will last a lifetime.

Final Note

Organizing your teen’s closet doesn’t have to be a daunting task. By following these simple tips, you can help your teen keep their closet organized and free from clutter. Plus, you can teach them good habits that will last a lifetime. So what are you waiting for? Start decluttering and organizing today!


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